Markdown snippet 설정
VS Code

Markdown snippet 설정

command + shift + p로 팔렛트를 VSCODE에서 열어서, 

snippet 이라고 친다. markdown snippet을 설정해두면, 훨씬 편리하게 마크 다운을 이용할 수 있다. 

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		"body": ["**PyTorch** "],
		"description": "pytorch"
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		"description": "keras"
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		"description": "book"
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		"description": "python"
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		"description": "C++ Code Snippet"
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		"description": "Cov"
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		"description": "def"

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		"description": "btriangle"
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		"description": "nemo"
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		"description": "bnemo"
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		"description": "grad"
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		"description": "dist"
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		"description": "Span"
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		"prefix": "Nul",	
		"body": ["\\text{Nul} "],
		"description": "Nul"
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		"prefix": "sgn",	
		"body": ["\\text{sgn} ($0)"],
		"description": "sgn"
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		"body": ["\\text{rank} "],
		"description": "rank"
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		"body": ["\\intercal "],
		"description": "intercal"
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		"description": "mod"
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		"prefix": "complex",	
		"body": ["\\mathbb{C}"],
		"description": "complex"
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		"description": "book"
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		"description": "Bigg"
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		"description": "bigg"
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		"description": "binomial coefficient"
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		"description": "Create exponent and bracket"
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		"description": "Create inline math formula"
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		"description": "Create inline math formula"

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		"description": "Create display math formula"

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		"description": "Create inline math formula with display style"

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		"description": "Create inline math formula"
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		"description": "Create display math formula"

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